Well it has been a long time since I crashed my bike in Egypt.

I was pretty messed up after that, physically of course, but also spiritually. It was a hard hit, having to come home, and the recovery of my injury was (and still is) complicated and long.

I apologize to anyone who may have expected me to write. In that group I include myself; recovering from a leg injury certainly sounds like a good opportunity to sit and write, but I never wrote a book about my three years bike touring.


Instead, Lily came to live in Wisconsin. In August 2011 we had a lovely ceremony of commitment called New Equator.

New Equator invitation

Our special day (s)

Instead of wedding gifts, we asked our guests to provide us with money towards a sailboat. They did, and May 2012 we moved to Los Angeles, California to live aboard her.

S/V Portal

We got a kitten!


And we are now five days from our departure – sailing South to Mexico, then across the Pacific Ocean to French Polynesia, and from there island-hopping all the way to Australia. Perhaps I’ll go around the world the other direction this time.

Lily, Pixel & I

My old touring bike is still in Mostafa’s apartment in Alexandria. I hope to retrieve it one day and to continue where I left off, but for now, life got in the way of the world bike tour.

This is not goodbye, just a last chance to do something I’ve been meaning to do: reach out to you, here.

Thank you.

Love and Joy!

Charles Brigham

2 Comments on Latest Distractions

  1. Hey! You are alive!!

    Congratulations to you and Lily!! All your news are good news, even with your pirate leg… You love bikes, but waves can take you like wheels!

    I wish you to enjoy your lifes, in the simple and nice way you known.

    Good luck, and hugs!!

  2. ¡Hola Charles! Te mando mis saludos y mejores deseos desde Madrid. Tienes un e-mail de mi parte, te adjunté una foto que quizá te recuerde.

    Un abrazo, love&Joy too!

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