Tag: Kentucky

Photos: USA

Here is a selection of my photos from the States; Madison to Miami.

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DevelopMental Practice: the states I’ve been through

man on a journey
two wheels bear his spirit East
every day new
–Noah Cox, my homie in Portland.

I love Wisconsin; watershed or driftless, whitewashed or budding green; its landscapes have always felt like home. Its people – neighbors all, be they progressive and liberally raised, or traditionally bred in the red neck of the woods. Prime bicycling country. I’ve always lived in Wisconsin, and I’ve always really lived in Wisconsin. I hope to live there again some day.
But right now, I live on the road, in the woods wherever I’m found. And the states I live in – they sure aren’t Wisconsin. Not bad, just different. I’m actually glad to leave for a while; they say it’s good to see what other states have to offer. Get a new perspective.