Photos: Morocco

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Here’s the bike touring photos I took in Morocco.

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Being a guest in Morocco

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The hospitality of rural Morocco continued to impress as I slowly cycled south. So much so, I began to wonder if I would need my tent(or my cooking pots, or my spice kit, or my campstove, or my sleeping mat, or any of the self-sufficient gear I schlepp everywhere) at all in this country – or would it be like this in all Islamic countries? Is this a Moroccan thing, or a Muslim thing? I was welcomed to the country numerous times with “American? Ah, then this is your country!”

Welcome to Morocco

Regatear. To haggle. One of the big words I learned in Sevilla. “Desde el ferry, Charlie, start haggling even at the ferry to Ceuta,” advised my friend Alberto.

fda lasix

I’ve never been good at haggling – in Mexico I figured even if I was getting ripped off, it was still cheap, so I never worked up the guts to talk anyone down. But now, with a long stretch of Africa ahead of me, and a much more highly developed thriftiness than ever before, I figured it was time to learn. (more…)

Art Gallery

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Some of my arts & crafts since I left home, and a couple pieces from others.

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Photos: Spain

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Catalunya and the Barcelona – Madrid trip

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My documentation of the frame welding process in Madrid

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What Has Been Published About Me

[singlepic id=1494 w=450 float=center] Here is a collection of publicity about my tour.

  • A video report from Madrid, January 2010. In Spanish [link]
  • A story by the Agence-France Presse. In French. [link]

More to come when I can get the newspaper article scans uploaded.

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Recent Mud

Sure I had seen the signs, all afternoon: “Carretera cortada por obras.” But a little road consruction site has to be pretty drastic to stop a bicycle from getting past… I had decided, way back in Montejícar , to go for it.

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Boots of Spanish Leather

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The trip started around the corner from my friend Lena’s squat, at the public library. It was one of the few times in Catalunya I sensed animosity for speaking in Castellano (regular Spanish)
