Hi! I’m Charlie, and I like to travel by bicycle. These are my stories. There’s a lot of philosophy, adventure, and emotion on these pages; traveling by bicycle (and sailboat) has become my life. So please take a look around, and have fun! And please let me know what you think! Thanks! With Love and Joy, Charles I. Brigham IV [singlepic id=2194 w=150]

4 Comments on YAY BIKES!

  1. Hey Charlie,
    I have a message from Adolfo and Torradinha: they saw your picture on your front web page and they are very jealous! They send you a lot of kisses. Manuel, Nico and I also send you our love and good luck! The other night I went to a party and talked about you; as a result you have a new group of fans here in Madrid. Stay well and take care,- Riki

  2. soy aficionado al ciclismo me alegro mucho de tu aventura cuando pases por uruguay no vemos leonel

  3. Hi Charlie…Sorry to hear about your breakup with Lily. Are you continuing the sailing venture from Australia to the east? and if so will you be posting on this website as I have followed your recent adventures on Lily’s site. Your epic journal on CGOAB is still my number one favourite and a real inspiration. I actually got my butt off the couch and spent the summer cycling down the U.S. West Coast last year!!!

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